Above; little known reindeer, Justus, slapping Tina a low 5 to let her know he is ready to pull Santa. Below Left; Tina is letting Santa know that Justus the Reindeer is ready. Below Right; Justus is getting hooked to the sleigh. This Christmas, Santa is only going to need the one reindeer. Left click on these pictures to make them bigger.
Above Left; Apprentice Archangel Amos announces that Santa is coming (somewhat of a lesser role for an Archangel) while his friend Freddy the Elf wrestles with his hat. Above Right: Freddy pulls it together; Justus the Reindeer seems focused as he pulls Santa (Preacher). Bottom Left; Some crazy Elf turned the flash off on my camera and nearly ruined a good shot of the reindeer and Santa. Bottom Right; Santa in full glory followed by Duece the Elf. All these pictures are thumbnail pictures. Just left click on them to make them bigger, it's Christmas Magic
Below left; Santa and his helper. Below right; it's Duece the Elf.