Below are some of our favorite puppy pictures. We would love to add any of your favorite Greater Swiss Mountain Dog puppy pictures to this section as well. Just e-mail me the picture and the puppies name and we will post it. Hope you enjoy! (They are all thumbnail pictures just click on them to enlarge.)
On the left is a picture of the Justus x Gypsy gang at 6 weeks. In the middle is Wildest Dream Kodiak (Kodi) and on the right end is Wildest Dream Intangible (Tangee).
Far left is Wildest Dream Water Lilly (Lilly or Lilly Bug), Middle; Wildest Dream Come True (Truly), Far right; Tangee on the go. These pictures were taken at 13 months.
On the Left; Wildest Dream Ripley Believe (Ripley). In the Middle; Ripley and his best New York friend, Far right; Tangee and Truly playing with their good friend Cupcake. The 2 pictures of Ripley were taken at his home in NY at 11 weeks. Tangee and Truly are 13 weeks old and Cupcake is about 8 weeks.
On the top left, in the top center and bottom left is Luke and on the top far right, bottom middle and bottom right is Luke's sister Georgie. Both Luke and Georigie are from the Cornerstone Kennel in California. Georgie now lives in Washington State. Luke and Georgie are from the Justus X Gabby litter.